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Additional Options 1:
This item is available in up to 40 hand-painted finishes, as well as unfinished ceramic bisque (BIS) which is paintable
LED Initial Lumens:
1,000 Initial Lumens
See CER-2430-BIS-LED1-700
Notes 2:
Dedicated LED engine included; Color Temperature = 3000K; Minimum CRI = 90; Dimming is compatible with Incandescent/Triac or ELV dimmers
Fixture comes with 6-ft of clear cord and inline rocker switch
Notes 3:
Fixture has a natural Bisque (unfinished) interior
Fixture has an Antique Copper interior and exterior finish
Notes 4:
Fixture is also available for Outdoor applications (see CER-6160W)
Optional Dedicated LED Lamping:
Safety Rating:
Suitable for Damp Locations
Standard Incandescent Lamping: